Dr. Albert Yeung has Moved

On December 13, 2018 Dr. Albert Yeung moved his practice. His current practice details are as follows:

28 South Unionville Avenue, Unit 1030
Markham, ON L3R 4P9
Tel: 905-604-5282
Fax: 905-604-5283


All questions and requests should be directed towards Dr. Yeung’s new practice. This includes appointment requests, requests for medical records, and any other questions.

Referring Physicians

Please direct future referrals and questions for Dr. Albert Yeung to his new practice.

Can I contact Magenta Health?

Kindly do not contact Magenta Health @ 418 Eglinton Ave W. with any questions.

Magenta Health was only leasing space to your physician and therefore unable to answer inquiries. Kindly direct questions to the new location listed at the top of this page.